Tuesday, December 21, 2010

CAL GREEN--California Green Building Code 2011

Taking effect on January 1, 2011, the California Green Building Standards Code will require all new residential and commercial buildings to be more energy efficient and environmentally responsible. The result of several years of work, it will also serve as a model for other states and building codes. The general goals of CAL GREEN are to promote "greener buildings constructed with environmentally advanced building practices that decrease waste, reduce energy use and conserve resources", according to Governor Schwarzenegger.

Some specific requirements for every new building include:
--Reduction of water consumption by 20%.
--Diversion of 50% of construction waste away from landfills.
--Installation of healthier, low-toxic building materials.
--Requires separate water meters for nonresidential buildings indoor & outdoor water use.
--Calls for moisture-sensing irrigation systems for larger landscape projects.
--Mandates inspections of energy systems (heat furnace, air conditioning & mechanical systems)
for nonresidential buildings over 10,000 square feet.

The California Air Resources Board estimates that greenhouse gas emissions may be reduced by 3 million metric tons in ten years. Property owners can label their facilities as CAL GREEN Compliant after passing inspection, without an additional third-party verification. Approximately 40 local jurisdictions already have voluntary Green building standards in place. CAL GREEN will provide a consistent, state-wide mandatory code, setting a high standard for the entire country.

Thanks to California Green Solutions for the above summary. We look forward to working with the new code in the coming year. Contact us for assistance as you develop your building project.


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