Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Green Building Creates Jobs, Saves Energy and Money

That's the message that the U.S. Green Building Council has been advocating to President-Elect Obama's transition team. This organization (which has lead the national green building movement) developed the LEED standards for greening buildings to improve energy-efficiency, resource conservation, and indoor air quality. On-going talks with the transition's energy and environment group have resulted in the new administration placing a high priority on programs that will improve government buildings and schools as well as create jobs. The White House itself will undergo green building renovation to point the way.

This is a ray of hope that the upcoming federal economic stimulus, aimed at dealing with the present financial crisis, will include elements that will not only circulate dollars but also promote positive change for the environment. Who can argue with the need for healthier schools and more energy-efficient public buildings?

On an individual level, nearly every existing home, business or workplace could be "greened up" to improve its energy performance and promote a healthier indoor environment. Change of any kind starts at home, at the micro level, doing what we can with what we have. As a Certified Green Building Professional, I can help you develop your "to do list" to get started (in the words of David Johnston) "changing the world one room at a time".

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